Thursday 30 January 2014

Paleo Perfection!

Hello again!

I am back and here to tell you some of the amazing things I have discovered over the last few days! I was strolling the aisles of Trader Joe's as I have done many times before, but this time I had to ignore the ficelle (half baked) bread that was calling my name and look away from the fridge that housed my favorite rice pudding. Instead, I headed for the baking section, in hopes of finding almond flour. As I approached the area, I was disappointed to find no such thing. Instead, were the usual baking mixes that the former-me loved to purchase. Walking down the rest of the aisle, towards the exit, I came across coconut oil on my right! This was totally allowed in my diet. While I was expecting a milky liquid, it looked like some type of solidified white mayonnaise. A bit confused, I was interrupted by another customer. "I am on that diet, too," she told me. I did not know how she knew what diet I was on, only to realize that my Paleo cookbook was loosely hanging on my shopping cart handle. I was so excited to meet someone else who was also doing the diet. She said, "I know the coconut oil looks odd, but it melts as soon as you drop it on the pan. Sunflower oil is also great for frying". Then, she offered me the best advice I could have asked for..."You should go to Green Life Market on Rt. 23 N...if you go in there and mention paleo, the guys won't let you touch anything that isn't!" With that statement, I thanked her, and ran out of TJ's on to my next stop. 

Green Life Market is way farther down Rt. 23 N than I had expected, but it was worth it. I don't think I have ever come across a market that offers so much produce and products that fit into a healthy/diet lifestyle! The guys introduced me to one of their coworkers Julie, who was a Paleo expert. She showed me everything I needed to see. Among the presentations were Paleo Pizza crust, Super Green Guacamole, Almond Thins, Coconut Bread, and Colby Jack Goat Cheese. As I looked around while Julie wrote down some websites to go to, I was simply astounded by the variety of healthy foods that were available. From fresh nut butter to fermented tea to "breakfast balls" (dates, almond butter, cranberries, chia seeds), they had everything under the sun.  As Julie rang me up, she offered me some tips:
  • Be really strict during your first 30 days
  • No soy's a legume AND it can increase your risk for breast cancer if it is in your family history
  • No flavored seltzer...flavor with citrus instead (lemon/lime)
  • If you're on a budget, stick to meat and veggies
  • Use date sugar instead of granulated or brown sugar (or honey/maple syrup)
I wanted to share with you some of my far, I am really loving them!
  • Organic Coconut Butter (plan to use a bit of it with blanched hazelnuts and 85% dark chocolate to make "Not Nutella" (Quick & Easy Paleo Comfort Foods by Julie and Charles Mayfield)
  • Almond Thins (made of almond flour, flax, and spices)...perfect for dipping into guacamole 
  • Miracle Noodle Angel Hair (Zero Calories, Soy Free, Gluten Free, Cholesterol Free, Vegan)...some say nothing in life is for free so I am a bit dubious; although, Julie said they were amazing! I have yet to try them but will let you know
  • For dessert: Miracle Tart (Chocolate Raw Almond Butter...made with coconut oil)'s amazing! I have one little pie piece at a time (it's the size of a homemade cupcake top)...really satisfies my sweet tooth. 
  • Super Green Guacamole: The usual with the addition of spinach and something else that starts with a s (I'm so sorry, I can't remember!)
  • Organic Lemon Super Cookies (organic coconut, sprouted organic sesame seeds, organic dates, organic lemon oil): These are not bad...I don't think they can replace Girl Scout Lemon Coolers...but they will have to do! These Gluten Free, Wheat Free, and Nut Free cookies are in really small rounds so it is easy to portion control. 

I must also share with you the websites Julie suggested I go to. I have not fully explored these websites, but from the cursory glances, they look quite awesome! PaleOMG seems to be humorous as well! Anyways here is what she gave me:

Check Out:
Google these blogs!

  • Mark's Daily Apple
  • PaleOMG (side note [by Arlene]: She writes about Mindy Project in one of her posts...SOLD.)
  • Nomnompaleo
Chris Kresser: "Personal Paleo Code" (It's new and amazing!)

Websites for Food
  • Steve's Paleo Goods
Hu Kitchen (Manhattan)

Lastly, the Tortilla-less Soup turned out to be really tasty! I think the key was the fresh lime and cilantro. I must admit I am a salta-holic (which is no ally to the Paleo diet) I might have added a dash (or three!) to the broth. I'm working on it!

As I end this post, I can tell you that I am six pounds lighter (from when I started)! Although many say you lose 15 pounds in two weeks on the Paleo Diet, I am in no hurry (well, until April...for my cousin, Ania's wedding in London!)


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